All’s Well
That Ends Well
In the spring of 2022, I was given the opportunity to costume design a production of All’s Well That Ends Well at UNCSA.The concept of this devised production was a group of creatives hiding in a house together after a dystopian event, who decide to put on a play in order to keep up their spirits. Discovered in the attic is a plethora of items that the creatives can use for this play. The attic becomes the stage, the objects become the set, and the old clothes discovered there become the costumes.

Because of the nature of the devised process, the design of the costumes came together while pulling costumes from the UNC School of the Arts costume collection. When a cohesive show was visible on the racks, the actors then came in for fittings and together we made choices on what we agreed displayed the character well and achieved the director’s vision.